Berlin Choice Colloquium

When: 14 March 2024 (Thursday), 4-6pm

Where: Room B 5.44, Floor 5, HWR Berlin, Campus Schöneberg, Badensche Str., Berlin


The preference to work from home: a discrete continuous choice experiment
Gerrit von Jorck (Berlin School of Economics and Law, BCEE)

Citizen's resolve against autocratic aggression: survey experimental evidence from five NATO countries
Lukas Rudolph (University of Konstanz)

When: 30 November (Thursday), 4-6pm

Where: SurveyEngine Office, Berlin.


The value of security and national defence
Jürgen Meyerhoff (Berlin School of Economics and Law, BCEE)

To assess preferences for measures that strengthen security and defense as a public good, discrete choice experiments are a promising approach. For Germany, such a survey-based experiment reveals a strong preference for the installation of a European air defense system, but also for an increase in the troop size of the German military by 25% as well as the creation of a European army.

Spotting the good, the bad & the ugly: Quality in online data collection
Ludwig von Butler (SurveyEngine)

With more surveys being conducted online the rise of bots and dishonest sample providers presents a challenge for data quality in online data collection. This is an opportunity to learn and discuss best practices and real time data quality alerting and how choice models are often the first line of defence.