The BCEE in the media
The economic costs of menopause related health problems
The study on the economic costs of health problems of female workers during the menopause (see below) is covered by tagesschau (in German) here.
Menopause responsible for 9.4bn euros in lost economic output
BCEE member Prof Till Strohsal, in collaboration with HWR colleague Prof Andrea Rumler, calculates that health problems of female workers during the menopause cost the German economy almost 10 billion euros in forgone economic output per year. Read the full news item (in German) by clicking here.
How to estimate national tax revenues
Professor Beate Jochimsen comments on the recent estimates of the expected national tax revenue in Germany in an interview with MDR radio. Listen to the full interview (in German) by clicking here.
Volkswagen and industrial policy in Germany
Professor Tim Lohse analyses teh recent developments at Volkswagen and their implications for industrial policy and innovation in the Germany Economy. Read the full interview (in German) by clicking here.
National defence is a public good
BCEE Director Tobias Börger explains new study in an interview in the taz newspaper. Read the full interview (in German) by clicking here.